School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Multimedia - Teaching and Learning tools for Education

Digital teaching and study media on the subject of "Multimedia - Teaching and Learning tools for Education" have been developed according to the didactical concepts of the chemistry school curricula. "Flash" has been used as the integrated development environment. There fore this Thesis is mostly didactic-technical.

The Multimedia Modules should be used within an articulated lesson. These education media are dynamic in the regard that they showcase the dynamic of the model concepts within chemisry. Digital media have, unlike static media, the didactic advantage of visualizing processes. These modules serve as work materials for conversations in class or for independent studies on a computer. They are therefore differenciated on a methodological level. Electronic worksheets visualize model concepts.Learn stories instruct systematic and in for study apropriate sections. Interactive animations allow students to develop factual connections on their own and in an interactive way. Education programs allow students to partake according to their individual learning speed.

The developed multimedia teaching and learning tools have been published on the world wide web. They are available in an online and offline format. The evaluation of the created media followed the principles of formative evaluation by collecting feedback from users.

Get the thesis (in German): urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20100015