School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The Process of Dissolving Sodium Chloride in Water (Complete Interactive Animation)

This program consists of five separate modules:

Part 1: Animation for the solution process on particle level with automatic controls or interactive for teachers and students to control

Part 2: Comparison: Real object table salz - salt particle model

Part 3: Comparison: Real object water - water particle model

Part 4: Comparison: Real object salt solution - solution in a model

Part 5: Experimental setup for observing the dissolving of salt with a video clip and slide show

Start animation using ruffle (German) Start animation using ruffle (Latvian)

© R.-P Schmitz, M. W. Tausch


Flash-Animationen can be played directly in the browser using the open-source implementation ruffle.

E-Books often need an external program to be displayed correctly. One such possibility is Calibre.